무엇으로 하나님을 영화롭게 할 것인가?
1. We glorify God by confessing and taking shame to ourselves for all the sins we have committed
2. By loving and delighting in him above all things, which is to act as those who own the transcendent amiableness of his perfections, as the object of their highest esteem.
3. By believing and trusting in him, committing all our concerns, both in life and death, for time and eternity, into his hands.
4. By a fervent zeal for his honour. and that either for the honour of his truth and gospel, when denied, disbelieved, or preverted.
5. By improving our talents, and bringing forth fruit in proportion to the meanss we enjoy.
6. By walking humbly, thankfully and chearfully before God.
7. By heavenly mindedness. when we desire to be with him to behold his glory.
8. As we are to glorify God, by yielding obedience to his commanding will, as in the aforesaid instances, so we are to do it by an entire submission to his disposing will.
A Body of Divinity wherein the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are explained and defended. (by Thomas Ridgley, D.D.)
1. We glorify God by confessing and taking shame to ourselves for all the sins we have committed
2. By loving and delighting in him above all things, which is to act as those who own the transcendent amiableness of his perfections, as the object of their highest esteem.
3. By believing and trusting in him, committing all our concerns, both in life and death, for time and eternity, into his hands.
4. By a fervent zeal for his honour. and that either for the honour of his truth and gospel, when denied, disbelieved, or preverted.
5. By improving our talents, and bringing forth fruit in proportion to the meanss we enjoy.
6. By walking humbly, thankfully and chearfully before God.
7. By heavenly mindedness. when we desire to be with him to behold his glory.
8. As we are to glorify God, by yielding obedience to his commanding will, as in the aforesaid instances, so we are to do it by an entire submission to his disposing will.
A Body of Divinity wherein the Doctrines of the Christian Religion are explained and defended. (by Thomas Ridgley, D.D.)