
복음의 보편성과 제한성 Generally or Limitation

소박한 나그네 2010. 12. 14. 16:21
"That the knowledge of salvation is ordinarily wrought in men, by the Gospel, not by the letters, and sillables, or bare sentences written in the bookes of the old or new Testament : but by the Gospel taught and applied unto them by the ministerie of man called to teach : for the Gospell is indeed the power of God to salvation ; yet not to every one generally, but to every one that beleeveth, that is the limitation, and how. Is faith wrought by the bare letter or sentence of the Gospell? no, but by the Gospell unfolded and applied. Marke the gradation, Rom. 10.14. ...."

(E. Elton, 골로새서 주석)