William Perkins's 갈라디아서 주석.
1장 3절 주석 중.
Q : that will in man is the cause and beginning of some good things.
A : In the creating or imprinting of the first grace in the heart, will is no cause at all, but a subject to receive the grace given. After the first grace is given, will is an Agent in the receiving of the second grace, and in the doing of any good worke. Yet this must be remembred, that when will is an agent, it is no more but an instrument of grace, and grace in God is properly the first, middle, and last cause of grace in us, and of every good acte. Hence it followes, that there be not any meritorious workes that serve to prepare men to their justification : and that the Cooperation of mans will with grace in the acte of conversion, whereby we are converted of God, is but a fiction of the braine of man. Lastly this doctrine is the foundation of humilitie : for it teacheth us to ascribe all to grace and nothing to our selves.
인간의 의지란 하나님의 은총을 받는 손이며 수단이다.
사도바울은 사람이 하나님께 드릴만한 것이 아무것도 없다고 이와 같이 말했다.
"누가 주의 마음을 알았느뇨 누가 그의 모사가 되었느뇨 누가 주께 먼저 드려서 갚으심을 받겠느뇨 이는 만물이 주에게서 나오고 주로 말미암고 주에게로 돌아감이라 영광이 그에게 세세에 있으리로다 아멘"(Rom 11:34-36)