Puritan/조셉 카일
That divine truths are infused into us, not borne in us, or borne with us.
소박한 나그네
2011. 9. 14. 23:42
Every thing which is of Heaven, commeth unto us from Heaven. it is either stolen in secretly, or thundred in loudly.
Sometimes the Prophets and Ministers of Christ, speaking aloud, carry truth into the soul.
Sometimes God whispers it into the soul. one way or other, truth must be brought in, for it growes not in us.
Our hearts by nature are not onely like white paper, having no inscription, not a letter of Gods will written in them, but they are like paper blotted or blurred, written all over with the corrupt principles, and positions of our own wils.
God by his Spirit first crosses or wipes out those, and then writes down his own golden rules, of holy truth and heavenly wisdome. ....
---- Commentary of Job. (J. Caryle)
Sometimes the Prophets and Ministers of Christ, speaking aloud, carry truth into the soul.
Sometimes God whispers it into the soul. one way or other, truth must be brought in, for it growes not in us.
Our hearts by nature are not onely like white paper, having no inscription, not a letter of Gods will written in them, but they are like paper blotted or blurred, written all over with the corrupt principles, and positions of our own wils.
God by his Spirit first crosses or wipes out those, and then writes down his own golden rules, of holy truth and heavenly wisdome. ....
---- Commentary of Job. (J. Caryle)
진리는 우리 안에서 태생적으로 있지 않고 하늘로부터 온다...
하늘의 진리가 때로는 속삭이듯 들려오고 때로는 벽력같은 소리로 마음을 두드린다.
십자가로 우리 영혼의 점과 흠을 씻어내시고 황금률로 하늘 지혜를 한 자 한 자 새겨 넣으시는
그분의 자유로우시고 기뻐하신 뜻...
아름다운 고백이다...
누구도 진리를 자기 것인냥 자랑하지 말고 뽑내지도 말라...높아지지도 말라.
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